The Consortium
for Christian Unity


About Us

The mission of the Consortium for Christian Unity is to provide a forum for those individuals and organizations committed to unity within the Christian church to associate with each other, to become relationally connected, to exchange information and ideas, and to offer mutual edification. The Consortium is dedicated to the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21 that all believers in Christ “may be one.”


Specifically, the Consortium fulfills its mission in three ways:

It hosts and sponsors dinners, receptions, and similarly unstructured social opportunities for Christians to become better acquainted, using hospitality as a means of reminding Christians that the similarities uniting them are far greater and more important than the differences dividing them;

It strives to advance the worldwide movement toward Christian unity by connecting like-minded groups and individuals who may be geographically distant and unknown to each other; and

It plans to attract and to make available scholarship and other support for select applicants who seek by personal example to further Christian unity. For example, from time to time the Consortium may offer scholarship funds, based on need, for qualified individuals who apply for and are accepted into the residential segment of the Community of St. Anselm. These individuals devote ten months to the cause of Christian unity through prayer, community service, and monastic living at Lambeth Palace, London, under the auspices of the Archbishop of Canterbury.